Member Organization: Fremantle Seaweed
Chris de Cuyper is the co-founder and Managing Director of Fremantle Seaweed, a company that will grow the red seaweed Asparagopsis that has been proven to lower methane emission from cattle when added as a feed supplement. Fremantle Seaweed’s aquaculture lease in Derbal Nara (Cockburn Sound) has been approved by DPIRD with the first crop of Asparagopsis expected in March 2023. Along with Asparagopsis, Fremantle Seaweed will grow 15 types of local seaweed varieties for carbon sequestration, bioplastics, fertiliser and as a tasty snack.
Chris has a passion for the ocean and loves nothing more than being out on his boat. Through Fremantle Seaweed he plans on making a significant impact on the effects of climate change whilst respecting the Fremantle fishing heritage by showing how aquaculture operators can coexist and thrive alongside commercial fishing operators.
Chris started his career as an electrician in the mining industry before moving into construction project management. Founding Fremantle Seaweed in 2020, Chris has been on a steep learning curve in the aquaculture industry but with his proven project delivery record and passion for the ocean, Chris will provide an energetic voice to ACWA that respects the responsible development of the aquaculture industry whilst representing the new opportunity of seaweed aquaculture in WA.