State Government Aquaculture Legislation & Enquires

State Government Aquaculture Legislation & Enquires


Fish Resources Management Act 1994

The Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (FRMA) and the Pearling Act 1990 (Pearling Act) currently regulate fishing, aquaculture, pearling, and other aquatic resources in Western Australia.

Licences and other approvals

Under the Fish Resources Management Act 1994, you can apply for an aquaculture licence, an aquaculture lease and an exemption to conduct aquaculture.

Aquaculture Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan (MEMP)

All applications for an aquaculture licence must be accompanied by a Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan (MEMP).   

Aquaculture Development Zones

An aquaculture development zone is an area of water specifically chosen for its suitability for a particular aquaculture sector, such as marine finfish or shellfish. These zones offer pre-approved areas of water with established environmental approvals and management policies in place. This streamlines the process of setting up commercial aquaculture operations, eliminating the need for lengthy, complex, and costly approval procedures.

State Government Aquaculture enquires

The Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development regulates aquaculture in Western Australia. If you have any State government Aquaculture enquires please contact:

Hayley Perhavec | A/Aquaculture Manager
Aquaculture Management Directorate
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
1 Nash Street | Perth WA 6000 | w